Project Process

 I'm feeling so good about where Nautica and I are with the project so far. We are so close to being done with the project at this point and just cannot wait for the entire thing to be done and just not have to worry now. I am almost done with all my work in my other classes and so excited to just go home and relax. Nautica and I are beginning to analyze different scenes in movies that have music in them and describe how the music changes the feelings of the movies. It is really cool analyzing all these different songs and movies and I am really learning from this experience. I am excited to see the final product of Nautica and I's project. #week13#project#process#music


  1. I just looked at you and Nautica's website, and I still think it's cool that you two collaborated on this. The website looks better than what I imagined it was going to be. It's the split off for me, how you two have a section of your own, It's easy to navigate and all on one page for both of you. I think you ladies did a phenomenal job and with fourteen songs to write about. I read half of them but the one that stuck out to me the most was Jessie J's "Who you are" because I really like that song and I remember listening to it back in 8th grade (I would have a bunch of songs from a bunch of different genres to listen to) and I didn't know what she was talking about in the song but now I know. Great organization and website for having to do this all online and not in perosn.

  2. What an amazing experience should be working with a classmate builidng a webiste, congrats for you and Nautica, definitely this semester was tough, but it looks that you really made that last push to make it happen and now evertyhing is done. I might have like an idea in how you guys divided the work, but the most important thing is that you guys finished.


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