Lets Get Growing

 I believe it's extremely important as a student to be open to learning new things and taking on challenging tasks, it opens your mind to new ideas and can bring you opportunities in life. When I was in high school I think I had a very fixed mindset. I struggled with new material and had a hard time getting help from teachers because they were always negative towards my learning process. Much like what was stated in the video 'How to help every child fulfill their potential', I started to not want to try new things or participate in class because I was scared of being wrong. Once I transferred schools I think I opened up into a growth mindset. I had teachers wanting to see me succeed and building me up instead of telling me I would never get anywhere in life. I wasn't scared of learning anymore and was open to learning anything. Outside of a classroom I believe I've always had a growth mindset, always up to trying new things. This is something that has definitely helped me throughout life, find new hobbies, make connections with people and make new friends. I think much like what the article 'Why rejection hurts so much - and what to do about it' expressed, one of the biggest challenges of having a growth mindset is being able to handle rejection and being wrong. An important part of learning is being able to accept when you are wrong and grow from the experience, you learn best from experience. According to the article 'A fixed mindset could be holding you back - here's how to change it' having a fixed mindset holds you back from everyday things like school, work, and life in general. I agree with this because I think you have to be open to new things everywhere you go, having a fixed mindset will only hold you back. The professional world is changing and improving everyday and you need to be open to changing with it or you will get left behind. #week2#growthmindset#feedback

GROWTH MINDSET. makeameme.org/meme/growth-mindset-5a9f69.





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