Website process

 Hey everyone! This week for the website content Nautica and I continued to work on getting our separate websites into one that we both agreed on. This process is more difficult when you are working with a partner because you want a project that you both can be proud of. So, we wanted to choose colors and themes that we both could agree on. Also deciding how we want to set up our content on the page because we are now incorporating 2 of all the critical analysis pieces, as well as the this I believe essays. Other than that we have a strong grasp of what is expected from us for the project, and I have no doubts about finishing for the deadline. I'm excited to see how our project will turn out! #week10#project#process


  1. Hey Morgan, it's really neat that you're working on this project with a partner. It's good that you two are trying to incorporate both of your work into one site that you designed together and I agree that it's a must for both of you to be proud of it. You also stated that you feel confident about the deadline which is great since it's in the upcoming weeks. I can’t wait to see the final outcome of this collaboration!

  2. Hey MoThoo,
    I am very excited to work on this project with you! I feel we are really starting to bring everything together! I feel like working with another classmate is giving a great opportunity to support each other on the way. Also, we keep each other on track by making sure we getting everything done on time !

  3. I like how you are working with another person to get this done. I like how you are bringing both of your knowledge to one project. It is cool how you designed it together and should be proud of it and that you are confident to get the final product done at the deadline.

  4. Ohhhh that's kind of cool, working with a partner. Now that I am thinking about it I kind of wished that that was how the assignment was set up. I think especially with social distancing working together would be a great way to connect with others and to share ideas with one another.

  5. Hey Morgan! I have just visited your website. I honestly really like the setup. Very simple and easy to find everything. I think the content is very good as well. I just have a couple of thing that you may take into consideration. I think the size of the text may be too small for some people, I think it could be a good choice to make it a little bit bigger. Also, for the home page, It may be a good idea to add a picture or something else to captivate better the readers. Remember that the first impression matters in this case.


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