Project Process

 Nautica and I have added a lot to our project so far, and we are very close to finished. We have done multiple analysis's of different songs put out by many different artists, and plan to analyze different movie scenes as well. Our main focus of the project is on music, we chose this artform because we both really like music and listen to a lot of different styles of music. I am feeling good about the project so far and where Nautica and I are at. We only have a little bit further to go and I am excited for this semester to be put to rest. It has been a crazy stressful couple of weeks and I am ready for a little break. #week11#project#process#music


  1. Hi Morgan, I love your website! Everybody's website is looking amazing and I am so impressed by all the amazing and hard work everyone has put in. I like that you focused on the analysis of songs. This was one piece of art I wanted to include but I could not find any that fit my theme.


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