More on the Website

 The process of creating content for the website so far has been a little slow. So far I've gotten my This I Believe essay and the four critical analysis assignments posted to the website. I've also created windows for my focuses of the project which I believe with be music and dance. Nautica and I are still discussing our final focuses to further work in this project. I am kind of confused about the peer feedback groups, I reached out to my group today. I am not really sure what we are supposed to be doing with that/where to find my groups websites to give them feedback. If anyone knows anything that could help me understand that better let me know. Other than that I think I am on the right track with the website and will be developing more content for the website as we get further into this project. #week8#project#process

                                                            (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)


  1. Hey Morgan, I really like your project idea, I feel like there’s a lot to explore in music and dance. You can find your peer feedback group in the peer directory, it’s on our classes’ brightspace homepage on the right side. All of their websites should be linked there, and basically, you’re just going to give your thoughts about their website and its content on their individual peer feedback documents. These are also in the peer directory and there’s a tab for each week, I hope this helps.

  2. Hi Morgan, its good to hear that you and Nautica were able to pick music and dance for a topic. The project process has been definitely slow for me as well. Also, Brandon beat me to it to find your groups feedback documents on brightspace. Anyway, I believe you and Nautica are at a great spot and will produce a great final project.


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