The Project

 To be honest I am a little confused with where we are supposed to be going with the project/feel like there is little support throughout the process due to the fact that it is hard to do these sorts of things remotely. I think I understand the underlying concept of the project, but am confused about the planning process/where we should be with planning so far. I just feel a little bit lost so far. I want to work with a partner with this project and have talked to the student whom I want to be working with, but we just don't really know what is expected of the project week by week. I would say I am using my time wisely with this project and definitely have many ideas for the project. I still have a lot more to do with this project, and have barely even started to put a dent into what is expected of us. #week7#project#process


  1. Hey Morgan, I feel similar with not knowing exactly what we are supposed to be doing each week with progress on the project. Using time wisely is one of the greatest benefits to have while taking an online class and it's great that you have many ideas. The concept of working with a partner on this project is really neat as long as you have a good way of communicating with them and the same general idea for what you want to write about. I hope with time you’ll be able to figure this project out, good luck!

  2. It sounds like a 1:1 might help here-- I'll shoot you an email to coordinate!

  3. I completely understand where you are coming from with this post. I, for a while, was also very confused about what was was expected of us on a week to week basis. Though, more recently, I think that I have kind of decided to march to the beat of my own drum and do whatever feels right to me. This project is supposed to be individualized and personal, so I want to make sure that I am presenting, what I believe to be significant enough progress every week!

  4. I get that 100% it is hard with being remote for all of us and know what it is like. It is something that we have to use support for so suggestion would be meeting with teacher or tutor. These can be very helpful because I have needed to use it. At first and even to this I can be a deer in a head lights with this but it something I just have to put my head and do. So, I know exactly what your talking about.

  5. I understand completely on what you're feeling with this project. The lack of support and no actual class to do this project in makes the process unclear completely. The anxious feeling of attempting to do something with no direction that was communicated to you directly makes it really confusing. I hope with time you can figure this out and keep on pushing!


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