The project

 After completing the work this week I am starting to feel better about the upcoming project. I've been brainstorming ideas and different directions that I would like to take this project into. In past blogs I had mentioned the topics of art that intrigued me, and will continue to research those topics for this project. I also have been talking to fellow student Nautica Oteri about completing this project together. We are interested in some of the same art forms and think it would be fun to complete this project together. I am feeling good after this weeks work!#week5#project#planning


  1. Hey Mo!
    I am excited to get started in a more depth start to this project! I am starting to feel more confident with the sites and the researching we have been doing ! I feel there is many topics we are similarly interested by and I can't wait to work together.
    Thank you for sharing !
    xoxo Nauti

  2. How exciting!! Confirm with me via email if you're definitely going to work together so I can make sure I remember that going forward. Right now I have you in different peer feedback groups and I think I'm actually going to keep it that way so that your collaborative work gets even more exposure; you can each use the feedback from your individual groups to come together and enhance the site as a whole! Just note that you'll want to create ONE website and give each other the ability to edit it completely; we'll list that site under each of your names for your peers to be able to access it. Keep me posted on how I can support the collab. if needed!

  3. Hi Morgan, I didn't even think of collaborating with another student but I think that's a great idea, then you have double the knowledge and creative ideas. I still am bit confused on what I want to focus my project on

  4. Awesome that you already have a plan , that will give you a better direction of where you are going. And definitely, it is a smart way to work with someone.

  5. Hey, it's great to hear that you've got a plan in motion. I can't wait to see how the final product comes out. I'm interested to see how yours and Nautica's topics get sorted on the website.


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