The Project

 I feel comfortable with where we are at with the project thus far. I've researched topics that I would enjoy working on the project with, such as dance, painting, music, and cooking but I have yet to decide which topic to focus on. So far I've kept my ideas clear, focused and organized. Although I do find using different technologies for organization does confuse me because when it comes to brainstorming I find the old school ways work best for my mind. I would rather have my ideas written in pen and paper. I also am looking into possibly working with a partner for this project, I think it's cool we have that option because a lot of times working with someone else can create new ideas and help stay on track. If anyone is interested in the same topics as me let me know! We can possibly work together! #week4#project#research#planning

Salsa Partners.


  1. I agree that sometimes it's better to brainstorm by hand; I got this really neat whiteboard notebook where I can doodle and scribble notes but also easily clean off so I don't need to buy new notebooks once I run out of paper. It's one of my favorite possessions! In regards to working with someone else, I encourage you to reach out to anyone in class whose work you like and/or seem to be interested in the same topics. You might do so individually or post on our Brightspace Activity Feed to see if anyone responds there!


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