The Mother of Modernism

 As seen in my last blog post the image I've selected for this assignment is called, "The Mother of Modernism". I've decided to choose this image because I think it goes really well with the idea of modern art. I know I used this image in the last assignment, I just thought it related very to this topic, and I could further explain how it relates to Modernism. The image is showing different bright colors and many different shapes to make up the woman figure. This image was painted by Dmitri Aske a Russian artist in 2019. "The Mother of Modernism" is an image of the fact the cutting-edge European art of the early 20th century. It played a huge role in Russian innovation. This image done by Dmitri is a compellation of the works of the two great artists of the past, being Pablo Picasso and Kazimir Malevich. They were two of the most influential artists of the modernist era. So, this image relates back to the Modernist era because it is inspired by some of the best artists of that time.  #week5#modernism#criticalanalysis#painting 

Aske, Dmitri. The Mother of Modernism. 2019.


  1. Hey Morgan. This picture does give me modernism vibes as it's filled with vibrant colors and the figure of the person is made out of different shapes. It's cool to see an art piece within this decade is going back to a different form and they are making references to two well renown artists and they create their own piece. This picture was a cool find and the fact that this was made recently compared to other pieces with the modernism aspect is really cool.

  2. Hey Morgan! I love how you chose this specific painting. I enjoyed your analysis so much! I really loved how you picked a painting done in 2019, it shows how Modernism art can technically still be done as long as it has modernism artists' influence. You can really see how Picasso influenced Dmitri in this painting. Its use of bold colors and geometric shapes really emphasizes certain aspect of the woman, such as her earring or her nose.


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