Postmodernism: Critical analysis


Warhol, Andy. Marilyn Diptych. 1962.

The image I decided to analyze for this weeks critical analysis response to Postmodernism is called "Marilyn Diptych" printed by Andy Warhol. This is a very famous print that was done in 1962 and has been recreated by many artists since then. Although this print was created a long time ago it relates to this period in time still because people are using this style of printing more and more. Screen printing has become a lot more popular since Andy Warhol's use of this technique. I think this style of painting inspired more and more screen printing to be created and opened up many new artistic styles. I've also taken screen printing classes in high school and was very inspired by Andy Warhol's style of printing. I created many pieces during that year that very much resembled this painting. It's the use of all his different colors to make Marilyn's face stand out that I think makes this piece so cool to look at. Artists to this day use this style of art and strive to make something great that people will remember one day much like Warhol. #week6#postmodernism#criticalanalysis#painting


  1. Hey Morgan, great job on your analysis. I find the art you chose very interesting as in it was appealing to the eye, hence the reason I continued reading. I find the screen printing form of art very interesting as it opens up a whole different magnitude of possibilities for the artist/s to utilize. Now that we are so technologically advanced I only see screen printing getting much more popular.

  2. Hey Mo Thoo, you did an amazing job on your analysis once again. As what our classmate Rob Simon said, I find your choice of art to be very distinctive, in a good way of course. This piece in specific, I was not educated on so I am glad to stumbled upon your writing ! Also, I did not know this style of art was based off this piece. I found this to be extremely educationing, and I can not wait to see where screen printing takes us in the near future!


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