Analyzing Art in Romanticism


Lind-Ramos, Daniel. Maria Maria.

This was an art piece done by Daniel Lind-Ramos created in 2019. This sculpture is called "Maria Maria" and is located in the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. During the art show this was the piece that stood out the most to all viewers. They all felt emotionally touched by this piece because of its deep meaning. This sculpture was called Maria Maria after the devastating Hurricane Maria. This image shows blue disaster relic tarps to symbolizing the blue vestments of the Virgin Mary. It is supposed to represent a sort of healing artwork. This relates back to the period of Romanticism because it is all about art touching your emotions and making you feel something. This art piece does just that, it makes you remember the emotions of Hurricane Maria and the art piece makes you more in touch with your feelings. For those who were impacted by Hurricane Maria I'm sure this artwork is even more in touch with their emotions, bringing back feelings from the hurricane. I think this relates back to the period of Romanticism because they can feel all sorts of emotions like sadness, happiness, relief and many more. #week4#romanticism#criticalanalysis#sculpture


  1. Hey Morgan! There’s a really interesting art piece you got there, definitely makes me look twice on what it actually is. I certainly see why it’s stood out the most to the viewers. You explain it very well on the story behind the artwork, great job! One the side note, one piece of advice for you: before you upload a blog, if you look on the right, there’s a box with the title “Label”. You can put your tags.

  2. Hello Morgan, I like the sculpture you chose to write about. I like how you explain what the art piece represents. I can see how you connected the sculpture to the Romanticism era. Your endings hashtags are different than what we are suppose to do but I kind of like them. It gives a little more of a twitter or an actual blog post.


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