The Beginning

     This is the first ever Blog that I have created, and I'm not exactly sure if I am doing everything correctly or where to even start. It's the beginning of English 2 and I'm a little nervous about what to expect in the following weeks. Having never used the application 'Brightspace' and having never had a class completely online I am curious to see how this semester will play out. We started off this English class creating an avatar and learning about new technology that can help keep us students on the right track throughout this Fall semester. I think it is going to be a fun semester learning about all different kinds of arts, and exploring different meanings of art. For my avatar I created "Avatar Mo", I choose Mo because I think it could be a cool nickname but unfortunately no one ever calls me it so it never stuck😂. If anyone would like to learn more about some of my favorite arts and artists feel free to use the following link I'm excited to see where this semester will take me and my writing! #week1#avatar

Until next time,



  1. Hey Mo, I'm glad we're on the same boat. I'm definitely nervous and lost too. I checked out your favorite arts and artists and I have to say, I’m really impressed that you started dancing at a really young age and I’m sorry to hear that you had to stop. If you are confused about anything with the class, you can always talk to me. I wouldn’t say I’ll be much of a help but it’s still nice to have someone to feel stupid together with. lol.


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