More Enlightenment

 The Enlightenment was a period of time where it was thought that human reasoning could discover truths about the world, religion and politics. There were three main ideas during this time, which were the use of reason, the scientific method and the belief of progress. To learn more about the Enlightenment check out the infographic below! #week3#enlightenment#introduction

Lifschitz, Avi. 9 Sept. 2013,


  1. Hey Mo!
    Thank you for sharing this link and giving us an insight of the enlightenment. I feel like this time period had such a strong impact on art and the world it self. You have some strong ideas and good points of the importance of this time period! Thank you again mo!

  2. I agree 100% with what you are saying and how important these things were to come out of the Enlightnment era. The world became more understanding of how it worked, because of the advancement in science and intellicaually.

  3. Wow Morgan,
    Great job with the infographic! You did a terrific job summarizing what the key points to the Enlightenment were and why they occurred. The info graphic you shared with us was splendid! Not only did it explain in detail the who, wheres, and whats of the Enlightenment but also laid out a timeline for when the events in fact occurred which was helpful. Thanks so much!


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