I Believe In Art

 What is art? This is a question that seems so easy to answer yet extremely difficult at the same time because everyone sees art differently. Something you find breathtaking and amazing another person might think is hideous. That's what is so amazing about art though, everyone sees it so differently and everyone has a different style and taste. Art can be seen in anything it just depends if you're willing to find the beauty in everything and use your imagination to help. I believe the main purpose of art is to connect us all through our emotions and too question our common beliefs. Art is a way to communicate to each other through the society we live in today. Next time you're walking down the street look for graffiti drawn on the side of buildings, listen to the noises around you, look at what people are wearing. These are all different forms of art. I believe the whole world is an art piece if you're willing to open your eyes and see what is around you. I believe that dancing is an art, watching people express feelings and tell you a story through body movement is amazing. I have been watching dances that don't even have music to them and have been so moved by the expression and power that the individual can express through movement. They're able to tell a story with their bodies and with their faces. So much so it leaves the audience speechless and covered with goosebumps. I can remember sitting at competitions and just being mesmerized by the emotions the dancer on stage can make you feel, like you can't focus on anything else but watching this beautiful art performance before you. I believe that music is an art that almost everyone can find relation too. Sure, everyone has their own taste in music and their own style but everyone has the same reactions when it's music they're interested in. When you hear certain music genres it has so much control over your emotions, the music and the words have so much meaning and power. Music can make you dance, sing, laugh, smile, and even cry. There is so much meaning and purpose behind every song, and a lot of times you can create your own meaning to music you like. I believe that music and dance are some of the most natural and real forms of art. You can really feel and relate to what the artist is trying to say, it gives you an opportunity to step into their shoes and have an understanding of how they're feeling. I think many artists are brave to express themselves even after facing tons of backlash their entire lives. #week1#thisibelieve


  1. Mo I couldn't agree more with your ideas. Art is seen in totally different aspects. When thinking of art many seem to think a painting or a physical object, but it is so much more! If one were to question what is art , it would be too hard to explain, art is so broad and can be thousands of different things. Dancing is an amazing and beautiful type of art. I feel like dancing is difficult and extremely time consuming, but the time and effort put in is definitely worth the master piece at the end. Also, I personally feel like music is the best type of art, I always listen to music no matter when and where i am. I feel like many people use music to help explain their emotions, rather than saying how they feel because they physically can't. You have such great points Mo!
    Can't wait for more posts,

  2. I definitely have to remind myself to stop and appreciate the art in the world around me sometimes. I think a lot of us get used to, for example, listening to music all day long without really tuning in to the beauty of it. It's not a bad thing to keep some tunes on in the background or anything, but I also think it's great to take time to appreciate the artistry, too!

  3. I think we should all remind our self to appreciate the art around us. A lot of us listen to music and look at building architecture but never think of the charm it gives. It's common to not be thinking of the charm art gives when it is a part of our everyday lives. Everyone should take time out of their day to appreciate the art they listen to and see everyday.


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