Art and a Pandemic

     What better way to get through a Pandemic than to get lost in different kinds of arts? For many people this Pandemic has been lonely and extremely boring, but many have realized that time passes by faster when you have something to work on. Not only has art given society a reason to pass time, but has also created a way to escape loneliness and find something that can mentally free you. After reading the article "How to cure your pandemic blues with movements of pure joy", she expresses how listening to music and dancing on a treadmill gives her a mental break from the pandemic. It almost like a reset button, once she can feel good and do something that brings her joy all the stresses of life and the pandemic seem to fade away. This is an art so easy and freeing that everyone should give it a try. Another article about the different kinds of arts helping people through the pandemic is " The best art created by Washington Post readers during the pandemic". This article shares some amazing art pieces that were created by people all over the United States and every piece has a story behind it that the artist shared. It is fascinating reading all of these stories and further learning about how the artist was feeling. I included one of the art pieces in the snapshot attached below. It's cool to read about because every artist has a different perspective of the pandemic. Some of them produced very dark and sad pieces to express how lonely and sad they were, while other produced pieces that were full of color and tried to see the brighter side of things. What I also found interesting about the article was that not only was it paintings or drawings, but it was also clothing and digital art. They included all types of arts. The following is two different pieces of art posted with the Washington Post. One of them is a "social distancing bench" one of the artists created leaving 6 feet between the two seats. The other art piece is a painting done by an artist that donates all proceeds to the food bank to help others during this time. #week2#culturalmovements

Cavna, Michael. “The Best Pandemic Art Created by Post Readers, from a Stimulus-Check Mask to a Chicken-Recipe Sculpture.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 6 July 2020,


  1. Hi Morgan, I think everyone should stop and think about art during times like these. It helps calm and break you away from the mental side of the real world. I agree that art helps pass time. It does get dull when time is moving slowly so have something to do is great for this. I found both pieces of art you posted very interesting and help prove the point you wrote.


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