Analyzing Art


Yi, Anicka. Switzerland, June 2015.

This is an art piece done by Anicka Yi, in 2015 that was in her art show in Switzerland. This is a sculpture of a column of tempura-fried flowers inside of a glowing bubble. The piece is called "Maybe she's born with it", I think she named the piece this because she grew these flowers, she created this artwork. Her piece was born with it. This piece suggests an artwork as a living, and a breathing thing something that not many artists create. This opens up a new and ambitious way of thinking about art. I think this relates back to the Enlightenment because every idea was so new then. Everything was just being discovered and every idea philosophers had was a new idea. This is relative to Anickas' art piece because this was something new and innovative that she had come up with. She branched out from normal art ideas and came up with something that will inspire other artists, and that is what the enlightenment is all about. I've never seen an art piece like this and I this that is why it caught my eye for this assignment because its drifting from the normal arts and branching into a new art world that has yet to be explored. #week3#emlightenment#criticalanalysis#sculpture


  1. Hey Morgan, I think the unique work of art you chose for your critical analysis blends perfectly with what the Enlightenment was known for. It was a period of trying new things and thinking against traditional ideas, just as the artist did when creating this piece. I analyzed a work from the Enlightenment period and linked it to modern times as I thought it was tougher to do the other way around, but you did a great job of connecting this creative artwork to the movement.

  2. I agree with Brandon that this is such a unique choice! I love that you selected something a bit more abstract and used the core themes of the movement to make the connection. This is difficult to do, but shows real critical thinking and a strong understanding of the movement.

  3. Hey Morgan,
    This was a refreshing read as it really wasn't something I could think can be intertwined with what the enlightenment was known for. The whole concept of trying new things and the parallel with Anicka Yi's art piece was a great connection and exemplifies what critical thinking is all about.


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